Set your Marketing Strategy on fire!

best marketing coursescreate a marketing plan kpi’s (key performance indicators) marketing plan marketing strategy marketing tactics research roi (return on investment) smart goals social media May 05, 2022

There are 3 steps you must achieve in creating a brilliantly bright marketing strategy. They are not complicated but they are essential.

DIAGNOSE – First, we diagnose the situation using data. Do the research required. We bring together elements from last year to be evaluated. Include what worked and what didn’t.

STRATEGY – Second, we put together a strategy. What you want to do and not want to do? This is informed by the diagnosis/research. Here we create the SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

TACTICS – Third, we plan the tactics, the roll out, the action that will deliver the strategy and success in the market. What activities will you undertake to get the results you need? Be sure to keep the data and measure the ROI (return on investment) and KPI’s (key performance indicators), you will need them.

Close the year end and then start it all over again.

The diagram below gives you the visual outline idea.

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